The rich vibrancy of colors, especially after a rain.
Walking in the morning to start the day.
The roundness of pumpkins.
Getting started on a new knitting project.
Planning for the holidays and Christmas.
Watching the birds at the feeder, knowing they trust me to keep it filled.
The way the squirrels scurry about in their busyness.
Wondering why maple trees all look so different, standing so near each other.
Making apple butter for the fancy pantry and to have as house gifts.
Baking a cinnamon coffee cake to share with friends.
Visiting the apple orchard with my preschool class.
Raking leaves.
Roasting marshmallows and telling stories by the bonfire.
The smell of the bonfire at the lake.
Pots and pots and pots of soup.
Baking bread, with an extra loaf to share.
The excitement of watching the Royals win after such a long time.
Long lazy walks in the sunshine on a day off.
Gathering buckeyes from the tree in the garden, amazed at how shiny they are.
Reading a wonderful book, snuggled up in the afghan with the kitties.
Sharing a cup of chai with a friend in the middle of the afternoon.
Harvest festivals.
Walking in the pumpkin patch, listening to the children's excitement.
Recognition of the magnificent color of certain trees throughout my little town.
Remembering autumns in my earlier life spent here; as a student, with my son growing up.
The peace at the lake on an autumn day.
Watching as listening to the coots land and take off on the water.
Morning glow of sunrise on the lake.
Slipping between shivery, clean sheets to my warm husband.
Wearing sweaters for the first time again.
Reminiscing about earlier autumns, spending time with Derrick.
A warm shower after getting caught in a soaking fall rain.
Cutting up apples for an apple crisp. Eating it later, warm with ice-cream.
The clear blue sky, bright behind a stand of trees.
The brave flowers that continue to bloom in the brisk weather.
Sipping a cup of warmed cider, flavored with a cinnamon stick.
Walking with friends in the mornings.
Sending oatmeal raisin cookies along with my love on a long drive.
Collecting acorns for my preschool class to use as math manipulatives.