“Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.” ~ John Ruskin
A perfectly perfect weekend. We left home on Friday evening to head for the lake. The foundation is complete on the addition and we wanted to see how it looks. Really, it was just a good excuse to get away from the regular responsibility of home and sigh a breath of relief.
The mild winter here in northern Indiana seems strange. But it does help with the construction work. So I’ll take the lake that isn’t solidly frozen. I’ll take the brown look of the meadow. The mild weather should help the construction be completed a bit sooner!
Saturday evening we had my brother Eric and his wife over for dinner. Just the four of us. It was a nice, quiet evening. So many times when we’re together other family and friends are around. I love that, but it was nice to visit with just them. They were married five years ago. Both second marriages, a blended family. So often I looked at them in wonder. Now, I have my own love and am even more in wonder than before!
Dinner was stromboli, salad, and a French yogurt cake with blueberries and a lemon glaze. Pure joy to cook with T. Total relaxation. (We even had enough cake left over to share with friends at the Super Bowl party.)
During the afternoon I painted a few Valentines while T prepares dinner. Something about the light at the lake that always makes painting easier.
Reading, knitting, laughing together, time with family and friends. What could be more perfect?
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